Family values, business sense

The idea was simple back in 1985, to provide the very best level of service to business’ across the UK with the backup of state of the art technology and access to leading and specialist insurer and underwriter partners. An independent, family brokerage from day one, our clients benefit from dedicated members of office based staff dealing with each specific area of their business, with direct dial telephone numbers to avoid costly waiting time. The company has been trading on that basis since its incorporation in 1985 and continues in the very same way today, 40 years later, with the 3rd generation of the Pargeter family. Many clients are still with us since that first day in 1985. Authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority, you are assured of professional service at all times.

Use the tab above to see details of our haulage specialism.

We are serious in protecting your business with top rated insurers at the best premium, but scroll along the top to P&A Race Car and P&A Sponsorship to see that we are not some faceless company, we enjoy ourselves and help others, in a small way, to do the same.

“Family values and service in a normally faceless sector of business. All staff are office based with no remote workers, so that our clients get the answers they need, when they need them”

Nick Pargeter, MD

No Cost - No Hassle - No Commitment - Insurance Healthcheck & Cost Comparison


No Cost - No Hassle - No Commitment - Insurance Healthcheck & Cost Comparison 〰️